Prepare To Buy First Home
If you are beginning the journey to buying a home, it can seem like there are a lot of steps to take to get you into your dream home. Learn how you can navigate this journey under the direction of experienced Realtors that have your best interest in mind. Be ready to start the house hunt early as you prepare to buy your first home.
When you work with Realtor Mike Pugh you are putting your home buying experience in good hands. With over 30 years of experience in the North Arlington, Virginia area, Mike and his team come prepared with insider knowledge, established connections, and a passion to help homebuyers find their perfect Arlington home.
Work With A Realtor
Regardless of whether you are a first-time homebuyer, or have been in the same home for a while, working with Mike Pugh will not only make the process go more smoothly, but will also ensure you end up in the home of your dreams.
Some common hesitation that homebuyers have when working with Realtors is the worry that they will be pushed toward a home that is not their ideal property. This is never a worry when you work with Mike Pugh. He is dedicated to putting the client first, letting the homes sell themselves and ensuring you get the best home at the best price for you.
Working with a Realtor gives your offer the edge it needs to be chosen over the competition. The property in the Arlington area can go quickly, making the process of putting an attractive offer on a home essential in landing the home of your dream. Mike has the insider knowledge you need, often getting insights to what will be on the market before it is listed.
Any of your first time home buying questions Mike can answer, even the ones you haven’t thought of yet but will come up as you begin the journey to buying a home.
Check Credit Score
A major influencing factor in securing the home of your dreams is being pre-approved for a mortgage, and part of that comes from your credit score and amount of down payment. Knowing how to manage and use your credit is an important step for any new homeowner, and a high credit score can drastically decrease your monthly mortgage rate.
This process starts by ensuring that all charges and lines of credit you have open are accurate. Dispute any charges that look inaccurate or could be potential credit card fraud as this can be an involved process and take time. Additionally, make sure you have several lines of credit as you will usually need more than 2 to even be considered for a mortgage loan.
While this will not be an issue for all new homeowners, it is still a good practice to stay on top of your credit lines and take control of what goes on them and how you manage them. It is also a good rule of thumb to leave old credit lines open instead of opening new ones. These have more history and are generally more widely accepted, showing you have been managing money for a while now.
If you come across anything that looks concerning, or may make it more difficult to acquire your dream home, work with a good lender to determine what steps you need to take to come up with a sound financial plan for buying your Arlington, Virginia home.
Early Start
Ultimately, the best way to prepare to buy a home is to start early. Whenever something is done last second there is more room for error, fewer properties available, and generally just an added layer of stress.
By giving yourself ample time, Mike is sure to find you the home of your dream without any stress. When a home that you want to make an offer for comes up, the process goes quickly but leading up to that point it takes time, attention to detail and of course whether or not you like the home before we bid.
Contact Mike Pugh Today!
If you want to prepare to buy your first home with Mike Pugh or just ask some questions contact us today.
You can also call Mike Pugh at 703.593.6320